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Completing Offers for Cash and Prizes
The majority of the offers are free and they are usually satisfied if you simply provide an email address. If you don’t like spam then I suggest you set up a special email account just for Treasure Trooper…
SurveysYou won’t become a millionaire taking surveys but they are generally worth anywhere from 25-75cents each… They don’t take very long and if you’re just sitting around doing nothing you may as well make a few extra bucks.
Treasure HuntsEach offer you complete pays a certain amount and gives you the ability to earn a pearl by playing the shell game. You can spend them at Mubutu’s Trading Hut… There are things like Ipod’s, XBOX360’s and all other sorts of bonuses…
ReferralsYou will make 20% of what your referrals earn for the lifetime of their membership.
Some of the other benefits include:
No Credit Card Required for Membership
You Don’t Have to Be 18 Years Old to Join (Great for Teens!)
Payment via Paypal or Check Every Month!
Ragister Now
Here a proof of payment

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