How prominently you display ads on your site will have a big impact on your earnings. We often see top-of-page ad placements earn 10 times more than ads on the bottom of the same page. To boost revenue, give your ads prominent placement, high up on your pages.
Reach your visitors wherever you think they’re most engaged on your site. For text and banner ads, AdBrite supports five IAB-standard graphical ad dimensions: Banner (468x60), Leaderboard (728x90), Medium rectangle (300x250), Skyscraper (120x600), Wide skyscraper (160x600).
Banner zones—which enable banner or text ads—typically yield more revenue than text-only zones. Two of the highest-yielding ad types are top leaderboards and left skyscraper ads beside your newest content. On your own site, simply move the snippet of AdBrite code to the appropriate place in the HTML.
You determine where text and banner ads show up on your page, but the Full Page Ads and Inline ad types are usually enabled for entire pages. InVideo and BritePic zones are enabled for specific videos and images.
For Full Page Ads, we recommend that you place the HTML code snippet at the top of the page to ensure that the ad fires properly. You have the ability to set how many clicks a user has to make on your site before being prompted to view the ad. Setting it to fewer clicks will boost earnings.
For Inline ads—which appear only when a user scrolls over a given word in your content—you can specify any content area where you don’t want the ads to appear.
Try Multiple Ad Formats
AdBrite offers a full range of ad types, each of which can be customized to fit your earnings targets and the content and style of your website. Start by using basic text and banner ads, and also expand to next-generation ad formats like Full Page Ad and Inline ads to make full use of your site traffic.
Text ads are easy to run—they’re simple, effective, and you can determine their look to fit the style of your site. Banner ads typically command higher bids from top advertisers, who use this high-impact medium to communicate about their brand. You’ll earn on text ads on a CPC (cost-per-click) basis and on banner ads on a CPM (cost-per-thousand-impressions) basis.
We also encourage you also to enable Full Page Ad and Inline ads for all the zones you create. All you have to do is make sure that the appropriate boxes are checked as you’re setting up your zones. Full Page Ads earn on a CPV (cost-per-view) basis, while Inline ads are CPC text ads.
If you already have an existing zone, you can change the ad formats selected by logging in to Manage ad zones, select “Edit Ad Zone Preferences” then check to show Full Page Ads and Inline ads.
Each ad format has its own advantages—until you have a clear idea of what works for you, we recommend trying all that AdBrite has to offer and then sticking with what works. Full Page Ads work well if your site gets heavy visitor traffic. Inline ads make sense if your site is rich in text. Creating BritePic or InVideo zones may make sense if you have lots of multimedia content.
Approve Ads Efficiently
AdBrite offers you the option of reviewing every ad that appears on your site, or choosing to auto-approve to keep certain types of ads coming onto the site automatically. Auto-approval is the best way to make sure that your zone stays consistently filled with high-paying ads.
New zones are set up with auto-approval as a default setting. To confirm that you have auto-approval, or to switch from manual approval to auto-approval, please follow these steps:
Log in to Manage ad zones then choose “Edit zone preferences”.
Select the “Ad Specs” tab.
Scroll down to “Auto-approve ads” section and click the check box for “Yes, auto-approve ads (recommended)”.
Click the “Save changes” button.
You can change your auto-approval setting at any time. Remember that it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect. If you choose to approve ads manually, check into your account frequently to keep ads coming on to your site.
Under the same “Ad Specs” tab, you can determine the range of ads most suitable for your site. Choosing “include all available ads” will widen your selection but still ensure no adult ads appear. Selecting “family-friendly ads only” will keep even slightly edgy ads off your site.
Tracking Your Bottom Line
AdBrite offers a full set of metrics to help you understand and improve the performance of the ads running on your site. For every zone you have, you can check daily stats to see how many impressions or clicks the ads have received, with what CTR (click-through rate), eCPM (effective CPM), and total earnings.
Log on to Publisher Dashboard, an overview of your site’s performance including key metrics. Click on the “Statistics” tab to get a detailed, zone-by-zone breakdown.
You can export a single spreadsheet with data about each ad that’s run on your site.
You can also use the “Earnings” tab to view your earnings by month, by ad zone, and by ad format, and find out when your most recent check was processed. AdBrite pays publishers on a bi-monthly basis. The default minimum check amount is $100, but you can set it as low as $5. We’ll also send you an email to let you know whenever a check is coming your way.
AdBrite gives publishers unparalleled transparency and control about the ads running on their site.from the details of when a Full Page Ad fires to the description of your site that prospective advertisers will see. You’ll find a lot of info about the marketplace by exploring more topics in “How AdBrite Works”, and our Help section covers more detailed questions.
Here’s a short FAQ on a few of the subjects that are most crucial for new publishers:
Q: I don’t see any ads on my site yet.
During the sign-up process to create a new zone for running ads, you will receive instructions to insert a snippet of HTML code into your own webpage. If no ads are appearing yet, you may not have inserted that code snippet properly. You may also need to enable more ad types in your zone, or go into your account to approve pending ads if you have not chosen the Auto-approve option.
All new zones are also reviewed by our editorial team before they become part of the network, so keep in mind that this may take a few days.
Q: There are ads on my site, so why am I not earning much money yet?
The tips in this guide are designed to help you maximize revenue once your ad is being viewed by a significant number of visitors. First, try the steps discussed in sections Aim High to Maximize Revenue, Try Multiple Ad Formats, and Approve Ads Efficiently—placing your zone high on the page, working with multiple ad formats, and using the auto-approval option.
Sites with low traffic numbers may still have difficulty boosting revenue, so you should also consider ways to bring more users to your site, including advertising your site with AdBrite. As a rule of thumb, sites with 1,000 or fewer daily visitors will need to have highly engaged users to generate earnings.
Q: Can I change the type of ads running on my site?
You can change the types of ads running at any time. See Approve Ads Efficiently to learn about opting for “family- friendly ads only” or manually approving each ad as it comes in. By clicking the “Site Description” tab under “Edit Ad Zone Preferences”, you can change basic info about your site, possibly attracting different types of advertisers.
Q: How does payment work?
First, make sure you’ve read all the info in Tracking Your Bottom Line. Payments are issued by check in US Dollars, two months (net-60) after you accrue them. For example, earnings from March 2007 will get paid out in May 2007. For US addresses, please allow 7 to 10 business days for your check to arrive. Non-US addresses may take up to 21 business days.
Q: Will AdBrite keep me up to date about my publisher zones?
Visit your Publisher Dashboard frequently to see the latest results from your zones. We’ll also keep in touch by email, informing you of any important news about your zone.
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