
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Free Marketing Ideas

Free Marketing Ideas
You can market your business for free, but the investment is time. In starting a new business this may be essential. In growing an already profitable business look at the dollar cost of the free marketing ideas in terms of your hourly income.

Free Offline Marketing Ideas
Ask your family and friends to help market your business.

You already have group of people that want to see you succeed in your friends and family. Make them part of your marketing team, tell them about your business and how they can help you.

Build a business referral network.

Find other business professionals that work with or target the same market you do and work to send one another referrals. This is one of the top free marketing ideas, done correctly it can generate very loyal customers with no cost other than time.

Attend meetings, events and tradeshows to meet other business professionals and connect with new customers.

Speak at an event.

With the number of events taking place every day there are always groups looking for speakers that will interest their attendees. Don't look only at event opportunities in your own industry, but in industries that can benefit from your knowledge.

Volunteer and offer free services.

Volunteering in a local charity or volunteering to be on the board of a local trade organization can generate customers, build your business referral network and associate your business with a positive image.

Get in the news

Write a press release or an editorial about your business or a charity that you are involved with or do something news worthy.

Free Internet Marketing Ideas
Setup a free blog or a free website if you don't already have one.
Get involved with internet forums.

Internet forums are a place where people gather to ask questions and give answers. Blatant advertisement is frowned upon, but you can usually place a link to your website in what is called a signature line. If you are willing to spend time on a regular basis answering questions you will build trust in that community as well as be found by people searching for the question you answered.

If your business is location specific then look for forums aimed at your community otherwise look for forums with the customer group you are most interested in reaching.

Start building a mailing list.

This can be as simple as placing a paper in your store where people can add their email to receive coupons and sale announcements or adding a signup form to your website. Sending out a regular email newsletter with coupons, new products and useful information keeps your business at the front of your customers mind.

Comment on blogs relevant to your industry or your target market.