The best ways to make money could be by initially joining an affiliate program and selling a product which is renowned and sought after. The Company does all the advertising, labeling and packaging. It is up to the individual to be able to use their persuasive charm to sell the product to the customer. It would be profitable to create a website and display the product ingeniously. The more attractive the webpage, the more customers are attracted to it and automatically sales generate a good income. With experience, an enterprising individual can select a product that he thinks would give them a better margin of profit and seek professional help and set up on their own. This would require a clear vision, lots of planning and dedicated self-drive. The business may or may not take off so provision should be made to bear the loss. It is not difficult to persevere with many options before settling on one business.
To make money quick requires a shrewd and calculative mind. There are many scammers who engineer various schemes that guarantee quick returns. One such scam is the chain letters where one creates a mailing list and sends out a few dollars as per the instructions on the letter. This may succeed in the initial stages but most often they end up in legal disputes. Any scheme that suggests you can make money quick requires to be disregarded. There are honest ways to make extra money. Sometimes 2 or 3 members of the family form a team and take on jobs where they share in the work of producing, marketing and delivering a home made product. This works efficiently as there is always someone to fall back on in an emergency.
Make extra money by offering to pay the bills for handicapped or elderly people, or helping them fill out insurance forms. Offering to assist in healthcare institutions or community work can help rope in the extra income. Most teenagers take up lawn mowing or baby-sitting jobs in the neighborhood thereby helping those who need to go out on errands or shopping themselves. Private tuitions and coaching classes, exercise and yoga training all help to make extra money.
If a situation arose when one needed to make money quick, an option would be to have a garage sale and get rid of stuff that they did not use anymore or sell stuff on EBay or Craig lists. These are all legitimate best ways to make money.