
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stop The Background Noise And Start Making Money Online

If you want to make money online, you’re going to run into a lot of background noise.

It’ll be something along the lines of “My program is the best,” followed by “No, my program is the best,” and “Really, we’re not a scam. Plus, we’re the best.” After a while, you become seasoned enough to filter it out and go on about your business without jumping at it. In the meantime, you’re saturated by background noise.

Plus, we have that whole recession thing going on, or so everyone tells me. Everyone is saying everything is so bad, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s just more background noise. Something else that gets in my way, and what good comes of it? None.

Now, this isn’t to say you should deny reality if it’s staring you in the face. If there’s a downturn, things might get a little trickier for your business. There really is a problem if no one wants to spend as much as they did before. But I’m not telling you to ignore the truth, just the noise.

Why is that?

Background noise will cause you an emotional reaction which will interfere with your problem solving ability.

One of those emotional reactions could well be panic, which solves nothing. No matter how bad things get, it’s nothing panic can’t make worse. That gets you nowhere.

Reality is what it is, and you have to handle it. Background noise, however, does not clarify that reality. It makes it seem worse or more impossible to overcome than it may actually be. Again, that’s of no use to you.

That’s why you should learn to filter through the noise. Much of it isn’t helpful, and at best, is merely irrelevant to what you should be doing to make your business grow. Handle your business based on conditions as they actually are, and don’t succumb to the noise.