
Wednesday, October 1, 2008


How AdBux Works

At AdBux, you will accrue points, that translate into REAL dollars to view websites, complete offers, sample products, signup for free trials, play games, shop online, and much more. With over 900,000 members and thousands of advertisers, AdBux is the ultimate online rewards program.

Earn Points to View Ads
Advertisers will pay you, as a consumer, to look at websites that interest you. We have three different ad types with a variety of different prices so, the points you earn will vary with each view. Your point earning potential increases if you use our Affiliate program. With every friend that you refer to AdBux, you can earn increase point value.

Earn Points to Complete Offers
Advertisers will often buy traffic to their website in LEAD BASED form. Instead of a user simply visiting the website and earning a small amount of points per visit (as above), users can visit the site and complete a registration, submit an e-mail address, take a survey, sign up for a trial based membership, etc. and earn several points or more. Some offers pay up to 30 points!

Un-Referred Users
We know how difficult and time consuming referring others can be, especially when you simply don't have the time. Why not let us do the referring for you? In fact, we have newly registered members who joined without a referrer, who we can automatically place beneath you and let you reap the rewards! Check out the "Buy Referrals" page within the members’ area to see the current pricing.

Qualified Leads
With AdBux Leads, you can purchase REAL, un-referred sign-ups who have APPROVED their e-mail address, confirming their validity who are NOT currently active. After purchasing the leads, you will be able to message them using the AdBux messenger (only with a Premium Membership). The messenger will automatically send the message to their e-mail address and into their AdBux messenger inbox.

Premium Membership
As a user, you have the option of upgrading your account to a Premium Account, which offers you a variety of additional point earning options. These features include; more ads, extra downline stats, more interest choices for ad targeting, and the ability to message your downline. Being a Premium Member also shows the advertisers that you have buying power, which gives them even more of a reason to target you as a consumer. Check out our "Upgrade" page within the members’ area to view current pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AdBux?
AdBux is an innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by connecting with their interests and offering them an incentive for their time and/or actions.

How can I earn points paid to view websites?
You view websites in 10 - 60 second sessions via the links displayed on the ads page within the "Browse Ads" area. Once the session is up, you'll either view a green dollar sign or a red 'X'. The dollar sign means you've earned points(s) for that visit and the 'X' means you have not earned point(s) for that visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one link open at a time... When this happens, you earn ZERO points.

How can I earn points to complete offers and surveys?
In addition to AdBux advertiser offerings, you will earn points to complete offers and surveys within the "Browse Offers" area. You simply choose an offer to complete and follow the instructions. We have hundreds of offers available - with the majority of them being totally free to participate in! Some offers are worth as much as 30 points! The amount of offers available to you are based on your country. The United States, Canada, and UK have the most offers available.

How can I earn points to play games, read email or shop online?
These services will be available to you soon!

Can I have more than one account?
No. There is no need to maintain more than one account. If you've lost your login information, you can request to have it sent to your e-mail address. If you open more than one account open (we have a very strict auditing process before payments are sent) your account(s) will be terminated, your ip address(es) will be banned and you will not receive any points.

Can I use an autosurf program?
As far as utilizing auto-surf and auto-click programs, our software detects users who create fictitious accounts and use the same computer.

My network, school or ISP all use the same or randomly used IP addresses, can I join?
We do not recommend that you use AdBux on networks that use shared computers because we only allow one computer per user and your account will more then likely be banned if you use a computer that is already registered to an AdBux account.

What are AdBux points?
If you earned 25 points, that means you are entitled to a one time payment of 25 points of AdBux advertiser revenue, which translates into $25.00.

How do I redeem my points?
Within your stats area, click on "Cashout" and we will exchange your points for CASH at the current point value. You must have at least a minimum of 25 points to be eligible for redemption. All accounts requesting point redemeption are subject to audit and review. All redemption requests, exceeding 26 points, may take up to an additional seven (7) working days to process (this is applicable to both Premium and non-Premium members).

Premium Member Point redemption...
If you're a Premium Member, your point redemption request will be processed within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). You can only have one redemption request pending at a time. Redemption delays are applicable to ALL members, pending AdBux audit and review. Please review "How do I redeem my points" (above) for additional information pertaining to point redemption procedures and applicable delays.

Point Redemption Processing...
We use AlertPay, PayPal and Corporate Check to process point redemption requests.

How do I refer others?
Use your unique referral code found within the "My AdBux" area.

I can't see any ads!
If you see no ad links on the ads page but, you DO see a place holder for the ads, then you need to disable all antivirus and antispyware/adware programs. If you're using firefox, make sure you don't have a plugin called "AdBlock" turned on while at this site. The word "AD" in "AdBux" is causing the links to be blocked or filtered. If this doesn't work, try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after following the aforementioned procedures, try changing or updating your browser.

My stats aren't updating!
This is either because your browser is saving the page in it's cache or you're not waiting for the dollar sign to appear after the timer is complete. Try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after following this procedure, try changing or updating your browser.

I keep getting "Invalid verification code entered." when I try to register or login!
First, make sure you are correctly typing in the verification code. If you are typing in the correct code and still having problems then the cause may be that your browser is caching the previously used session image. Try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after following this procedure, try changing or updating your browser.

How often are the statistics updated?
Stats are updated immediately, however, point balances for completed Offers may take up to several days to update.